Welcome to Covenant of Peace Ministries – Loving People to Life – Covenant of Peace Ministries is a teaching and equipping ministry dedicated to helping people discover and overcome obstacles in the pursuit of their God-given destiny. Join one of the Loved to Life classes or one of our weekend seminars/webinars to build peace and joy in your life, strengthen relationships, and pursue your dream. |
Linda Forster has been an inner healing prayer minister for over two decades. Her own personal journey with God to freedom in Christ fostered deep compassion for the wounded and hurting to be healed and released into their destinies. Linda has taught numerous Bible studies, completed Basic and Advanced Elijah House courses, Basic and Advanced Theophostic training, Spritual Discernment courses, and has a Master’s degree in Christian Counseling. Linda has served on several ministry boards, giving guidance from her expertise in helping people. Her background as a registered nurse brings a unique perspective to freedom in Jesus in our spirit, soul, and body.Her national and international ministry has brought healing and freedom to thousands of people seeking to overcome the obstacles in life preventing them from living in the freedom Jesus died to give them. Linda is the Director of Healing the Heart Ministries, International and founder of Covenant of Peace.
John and Karren
John and Karren Turner have been ministering inner healing, deliverance, and blessing since 1988. They are both licensed ministers who have traveled throughout the world preaching and ministering about destiny and freedom through the power of Holy Spirit. Karren has a teaching degree and a Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling. John is self-employed and has a degree in Business Management. They excel in training others and releasing them into their God-given destines.
Cherie Anthony has been an inner healing prayer minister for nearly three decades. She has a heart to minister to the pre-born and children of all ages. Her compassionate heart helps lead other into freedom, identity and destiny. Cherie is the Director of Healing the Heart Prayer Ministry at Life Center Ministries International in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Peggy Pardoe